Trusted, accessible, trans-friendly spaces. Always expanding.

London LGBTQ+ Community Centre

Inspired by other major cities’ LGBTQ+ centres, our goal is to set up a safe, sober, intergenerational community centre and cafe for the LGBTQ+ community of London.

It will serve as a meeting place, a place to build connections, to reduce isolation through intergenerational contact, to provide information through a signposting and information service and a place where services for the LGBTQ+ community are facilitated under one roof. Similar centres have transformed the wellbeing and connectedness of the community in their area, and that’s what we will do too.

The London LGBTQ+ Community Centre will be a safe space for the community to relax, meet up and hang out, as well as to receive the services existing groups and charities provide. Our Cafe will provide a sober hangout spot for anyone of any age or identity to come along to. In order to be accessible and combat poverty and classism, our cafe will follow the same model as the Sidney Street Cafe in Manchester, and will be genuinely affordable. We will have multipurpose rooms for a variety of events and purposes that fit within our charitable aims of promoting social inclusion and championing equality and diversity.

We will provide a home for the community to relax, be themselves and feel safe, working with existing groups and charities to facilitate and deliver services to combat isolation, improve wellbeing and connection to the community. A place where people can meet and make strong connections, where chosen families are built and flourish and where intergenerational socialisation is at the heart of it all – where everyone, of all ages and backgrounds, is welcome.

Get in touch Website: ldnlgbtqcentre @ldnlgbtqcentre


60-62 Hopton Street,

Opening times

  • Wednesday 11:00am – 8:00pm
  • Thursday 11:00am – 8:00pm
  • Friday 11:00am – 8:00pm
  • Saturday 11:00am – 8:00pm
  • Sunday 11:00am – 8:00pm

Wednesday 24 July

Thursday 25 July

Friday 26 July

Saturday 27 July

Sunday 28 July